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Meth Lab Cleanup Standards, Regulations & Disclosure
With seizure of methamphetamine and home foreclosures both on the rise, it is likely that properties used in meth production will more frequently be placed on the market for sale. Occupancy of a home contaminated with high levels of methamphetamine and/or production chemicals can rapidly lead to severe health complications, especially in young children. Below is a listing of states' clandestine drug lab decontamination regulations, disclosure laws and contaminated property listings (if available). PLEASE NOTE: the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed a clandestine drug lab decontamination guideline; this guideline (not a law) is inconsistent with the best standards and practices established in regulated states. Download a fact sheet here.
Click here to link to the Drug Enforcement Administrations (DEA) National Clandestine Drug Lab Registry. Or, please visit this listing for a more user friendly DEA Registry. This listing contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dump-sites. PLEASE NOTE: 75% of all testing and decontamination calls to Meth Lab Cleanup Company are regarding properties that are not on any federal, state or county listing (only a small percentage of drug labs result in law enforcement action). Scroll down to see state specific clandestine drug lab laws.
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination or disclosure/non disclosure laws in Alabama.
Alaska's regulatory standard for meth residue is 0.1 ug/100cm2. A written disclosure is required to transfer the property prior to determination that it is fit for use; however, no notice that the property contaminated a meth lab will be recorded on the title or other property documents.
Alaska Guidance and Standards for the Cleanup of Illegal Drug Manufacturing Sites
Arizona's legal standard for methamphetamine is 0.1/ug 100cm2. Once remediation of the property has been made to comply with state standards, the owner no longer has duty to disclose the property's prior use.
Arizona Clandestine Drug Lab Regulations
Arkansas' regulatory standard for meth residue is 0.05 ug/100cm2. If the property has been properly remediated per the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), there is no requirement to disclose.
Arkansas Clandestine Drug Lab Cleanup Standards
California's meth standard is 1.5 ug 100cm2. Disclosure is required only if the property has not received notice from the state that the property has been properly remediated.
Colorado's regulated standard is 0.5 ug/100cm2 per room, 4.0 ug/100cm2 for attics and crawl spaces and 1.5 ug/100cm2 for encapsulated (painted) surfaces. Disclosure/non disclosure laws remove any disclosure obligations for prior methamphetamine production as long as the property was remediated according to state standards and the state was provided with adequate evidence of remediation.
Colorado Cleanup of Methamphetamine-Affected Properties
Colorado Regulations Pertaining to the Cleanup of Methamphetamine-Affected Properties
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination or disclosure/non disclosure laws in Connecticut.
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination or disclosure/non disclosure laws in Delaware.
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination laws for the state of Florida. Several counties/cities are regulated.
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination or disclosure/non disclosure laws in Georgia.
Hawaii's regulatory standard for meth is 0.1 ug/100cm2.
Requirements for the Decontamination of Methamphetamine Manufacturing Sites
Technical Guidance for the Decontamination of Methamphetamine Manufacturing Sites
Idaho's legal standard for meth is 0.1 ug/100cm2. Idaho has no disclosure; contaminated property owners are provided immunity from liability if the owner voluntarily remediates the property to meet the state cleanup standards.
Idaho Clandestine Drug Laboratory Cleanup
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination laws for the state of Illinois. Illinois property owners must disclose any awareness of methamphetamine manufacture.
Illinois Act Concerning Property Disclosure
Illinois Act Concerning Property Disclosure-Mobile Home Parks
Indiana's regulatory standard for meth is 0.5 ug/100cm2. Contaminated property disclosure is not required.
Indiana Inspection and Cleanup of Contaminated Properties
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination laws for the state of Iowa. Some counties/cities are regulated.
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination laws for the state of Kansas.
Kentucky's regulatory standard for meth is 0.1 ug/100cm2. Kentucky requires written disclosure until the property has been remediated to state standards and deemed by the state to require not further action.
Louisiana property owners must disclose any knowledge of illegal drug manufacturing. Louisiana's disclosure/non disclosure laws law is below; as are the LA regulations.
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination laws for the state of Maine.
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination laws for the state of Maryland.
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination laws for the state of Massachusetts.
Michigan's recommended standard for meth is 0.5 ug/100cm2.
Michigan Cleanup of Clandestine Laboratory Guidance (not law)
Minnesota's legal standard for meth use in a property is 1.5 ug/100cm2; for meth production, the standard is 0.1 ug/100cm2. Minnesota must disclose any knowledge of methamphetamine production.
Minnesota Methamphetamine Provisions
Minnesota Statues Annotated Board of Health Requirements
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination laws for the state of Mississippi.
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination laws for the state of Missouri. Several counties are regulated.
Montana's meth residue limit is 1.5 ug/100cm2. Montana requires disclosure if the property has not been remediated to state standards by a contractor certified by the state in methamphetamine decontamination.
Montana Methamphetamine Cleanup Laws
Montana Decontamination Standards
Montana Methamphetamine Cleanup Amendment
Nebraska's regulatory standard is 0.1 ug/100cm2.
Nevada has promulgated a clandestine drug decontamination / meth lab cleanup law. It is not being enforced. Nevada does not require notice as long as the contaminated property has been remediated to state standards (not yet established).
New Hampshire's legal limit is 0.1 ug/100cm2. New Hampshire property owners must disclose any knowledge of methamphetamine production.
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination laws for the state of Maryland.
New Mexico's legal standard is 1.0 ug/ft2. New Mexico property owners must disclose knowledge of any clandestine drug laboratory.
Environmental Protection Hazardous Waste Clandestine Drug Laboratory Remediation
New Mexico Clandestine Drug Laboratory Remediation Law
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination laws for the state of New York.
North Carolina's legal standard for meth is 0.1 ug/100cm2. North Carolina does not have a disclosure/non disclosure law related to methamphetamine production.
North Carolina Decontamination Standards
North Carolina Decontamination Law
North Carolina Illegal Methamphetamine Laboratory Decontamination Guidance
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination laws or disclosure laws for the state of North Dakota.
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination laws for the state of Ohio. Several counties/cities are regulated.
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination laws for the state of Oklahoma; although a standard of 0.1 ug/100cm2has been promulgated. Oklahoma property owners must disclose the existence of any prior methamphetamine manufacture.
Oregon's legal standard is 0.5 ug/ft2. Oregon states that property can be transferred without disclosure of prior methamphetamine production if it has been remediated to state standards.
Oregon Decontamination of Illegal Drug Manufacturing Sites
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination laws for the state of Pennsylvania.
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination laws for the state of Rhode Island.
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination or disclosure laws for the state of South Carolina.
South Dakota's meth standard is 0.1 ug/100cm2.
Tennessee's regulatory standard for methamphetamine residue is 0.1 ug/100cm2.
Tennessee Standards for Clandestine Drug Manufacturing Sites
Tennessee Health and Safety Meth Manufacturing Law
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination laws for the state of Texas. Texas property owners must disclose any knowledge of methamphetamine manufacture.
Utah's legal standard is 1.0 ug/100cm2 . In addition to state regulations, several counties also have laws. Utah requires an owner to disclose methamphetamine contamination on the property that occurs by production, storage or use of the drug.
Utah Drug Lab Cleanup and Disclosure
Utah Decontamination Specialists Certification Program
Utah Illegal Drug Operations Decontamination Standards
Utah Illegal Drug Operations Site Reporting and Decontamination Act
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination laws or disclosure laws for the state of Vermont.
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination laws for the state of Virginia.
Washington's legal meth standard is 1.5 ug/100cm2. Several counties are also regulated. Washington must disclose all existing material facts known by the licensee and not apparent or readily ascertainable to a party.
Washington Contaminated Properties Code.
Washington Decontamination of Illegal Drug Manufacturing Sites.
West Virginia is regulated for clandestine drug decontamination / meth lab cleanup. Several counties are also regulated. West Virginia's legal standard for meth is 1.0 ug/100cm2.
West Virginia Clandestine Drug Laboratory Remediation Act
West Virginia Code Annotated Clandestine Drug Lab Act
West Virginia Clandestine Drug Laboratory Remediation
West Virginia Clandestine Drug Laboratory Remediation Act Update
There are no known clandestine drug lab decontamination laws for the state of Wisconsin.
Wyoming's legal standard is 0.75 ug/100cm2.
Wyoming Emergency Response Act